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Mrs Doubtfire

Reviewer name

Mrs Doubtfire

Performance rating

Seat rating

Show performance date


Stalls A11.

Thoughts on show

The show is OK. Well, that’s where the seating problem comes into play, as some much action I couldn’t see due to the ridiculously high stage, highest I’ve ever encountered in over 30 years of theatre going.

Thoughts on venue

The bar at the back of the stalls is nice and well air conditioned.

Thoughts on seat

Row A Stalls Seat 11. It’s not worth any price due to the high stage and the people next to me agreed. The extra row A that they have put in for this production makes the enjoyment of the near impossible. The front row for "& Juliet" was Row B - stage still high but bearable. I know they warn about High Stage; well, there is high but this is crazy and many keys parts of the show I couldn’t see so makes a review very hard.